Monday, August 9, 2010

So here goes....

This blog started as a result of a lunch. A great lunch with a colleague, at a restaurant called Good on Sunset. About once a quarter (since we worked together on a deal), we've met for a bite and to talk shop. The end result of this meeting, besides getting backed into in a hit and run that was recorded by a kindly citizen who asked for money in exchange for the information, was this blog.

Doing a blog has been on the radar for some time, but it's one of those things I keep saying "I'll get to it" like organizing and scanning all the photos I took in high school or transferring my cassette tapes to digital. Now, however, I am accountable to my colleague, and I will do my darndest to keep from getting the guilt-ridden reminder emails.

So for you, Mr. Westerhout, here is post #1.

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